The first kind is quinceanera dress. Quinceanera dresses are quite essential to those people celebrating this occasion. Quinces, as they are generally named, celebrate a young Hispanic teenage girl's growing into adulthood. Quinces take equally as much preparation as a bridal party, which enables it to turn into very luxurious event.
The second kind is evening dress. Evening dresses are primarily designed to be worn for those unusual occasions that happen in evening.Evening dresses are made in some detailed style for dressing in a stupendous way.
The third kind is casual dress. since casual dresses have become all the rage in the fashion circle over the past couple of years, it's important that you invest in a couple of quality pieces. Generally, casual dresses are considered to be quite versatile.
The fourth kind is holiday dress. Holiday dresses usually have certain characteristics that make them stand out. They tend to be colourful, bright and very attractive. In other words, they're crowd pleasers.
Woman usually have a love for dresses, the above are the major dresses for women. they are variety in styles.